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Sunday, August 1, 2010


What do you think is the
message of
this picture?


  1. I think the message of the picture is to maintain the cleanliness of
    our sorroundings,because it is very important to our community.And the garbage should be in a proper segragation.

  2. This picture shows that we have to segregate our garbage properly and we have to maintain our surroundings clean.

  3. I think that picture means, we should segregate our waste in proper place. Because if we don`t segregate our waste in proper our environment will be polluted because of our waste.
    so that we should segregate it!


  4. i think that we should recycle and keep our waste because we can use it in our project and also we can have a business in recycling our waste.
    in that way we can prevent the damage of our environment.


  5. when i see that picture, i realized that our environment is not safety because of our garbage.
    so, we should clean the waste,collect the garbage and throw it in proper place and keep those garbage that can be recycle and can be reused.
    so that we can help our environment clean.


  6. Basura BASH!!

    A big exclamation.
    Nowadays garbage's is almost everywhere. but a lot of people still keep on throwing their garbage anywhere. One of the biggest problem that we are facing today is garbage even though there are a lot of rules, laws and regulations prohibiting throwing of garbage anywhere, still a lot of it is seen everywhere. The question is that, are we one of those who just keep on violating the law.?! Others think that they will not be affected by those trashes they have thrown, but they do not know indirectly they are, and soon they will directly be affected by it. And everybody will suffer. We have to be responsible on every garbage we have, let us not throw it anywhere. We have to place it in their proper sites.

  7. BASURA BASH!!!!!

    When i see the picture, the first thing that come up in my mind is we have to aware that our country is facing a lot of problems and the garbage is one of those problems. And being a responsible one, we have to throw our garbage in a right place and in our house we have to make a garbage segregation. Because if we throw our garbage anywhere we are the one who is affected.


  8. The garbage are in everywhere and many of the people are throwing their garbage anywhere. Many of them are did not known where did throw their garbage.You must be your garbage not thrown in the river or the canals because if there is a garbage they can causes of diseases in the garbage.

  9. As of my observation the picture show that our surroundings now has many garbage so let us take care our surroundings as we take care ourselves.And we have to put our garbage in a right way and in a right place.


  10. Base of my observation the picture about i think we know to be take care our mother earth.Our garbage we put in a proper places like to segregate the biodegradable and nonbiodegradable.


  11. Basura is all around us. we wanted to get rid of them. that is why the government made some laws, even spearheaded programs like solid waste management. but their efforts were futile. Basura is still around us. if we don't clean up our mind with trash and garbage, we cannot successfully solve this problem. Let us allow God's word to cleans us by meditating on it day and night.

  12. We should put our garbage in the proper waste disposal to lessen the cause of any diseases that come from the garbage. And we should take action to protect and save our mother nature. Nature is beautiful and we are the stewards of God's creation.

  13. Base on my understanding,we have to clean our surrounding,'cause if we don't,we will suffer.Just like what happen in Manila when bagyong Ondoy destroyed the city. Because of their waste they suffered from flood. And also God reminds us to care his creations. We should have to be united in cleaning in order to build a good, clean and green community. I realized we should value our nature through recycling those recyclable materials. Through recycling we can decorate our surroundings. Although recycled materials are just a waste in the eyes of the people, it can also help to lessen our waste. So I encouraged everyone to segregate their garbage and to plant more trees. PLANT MORE AND LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST!!! ; ) Thank you and mabuhay!

  14. For me this picture shows that we should take good care our surroundings. Throw our garbage in a proper way. We should follow the law, the garbage segregation.Through these we can maintain the cleanliness and avoid illnesses.


  15. based on my understanding...
    this picture makes us aware what happens in our place now a days...
    all of us knows that our planet earth is damages by many people..
    we are one of that person...

    that picture asking for a help..
    we must not destroy it to the highest level...
    because i dont want to live in MARS!!!

    lets helr our surrounding to make it clesn...

  16. From the title itself, "Basura Bash", do mean to strike somethin' nor to demolish the primary cause of disasters/calamities here on earth, the BASURA or garbage/wastes.

    In order to achieve this goal to save our home, one shall:
    (1) Learn to discipline him/herself on throwing garbage.
    (2) Learn to apply in our lives the 3R:
    As a conclusion, let us start the change in our own & in ourselves...

  17. In that photo, I see that it is referring to a garbage. And it likes to interpret that we should have to recycle the garbage that is recyclable and throw it in the right place such as garbage can or MRF. As we can see, the photo has a broom, so we have to clean our environment to avoid diseases and to save our health. The other thing is shovel represents as to make a canal for the overflow water in the streets or in our place to avoid also flood. This photo reminds us to be responsible in our garbage as well as our environment.

  18. Basura bash.
    for me, the picture shows the three "r" which means "re-use" "reduce" and "recycle" to save our mother earth.

    Glndy Suriaga

  19. For me,as a student we must do our responsibility to throw the garbage in a proper way.

    Jonalyn Suganob

  20. i think the message of that picture is to maintain the cleanliness of the surrounding.and dont throw your garbage anywhere>

  21. Have a pleasant day,,

    Based on that picture our surroundings now is very polluted because of the trash we can see anywhere and it is a big problem in our country,many people will suffer.Therefore, instead of throwing our garbage we will have to use it through recycle materials.Avoid pollution and we can help our environment.

  22. The picture illustrates about "garbage" with the equipments to help clean up our surroundings. As we observe now a days,so many garbage scattered around us. Like, in the canals,rivers, etc.... Don't we all know that this will 'cause flood? Yes, the main reason why we have flood is the improper throwing of garbage.
    Lets start now clean our surroundings , let us be all united in saving our mother earth because i believe to the saying say's "Cleanliness is next to Godliness"..
    Maria Luz A. Parba Date:Aug.14,2010

  23. this picture shows that we have to segregate our garbage in a proper way.

    Armae Jaso

  24. In our surrounding today, there are so many waste that I have seen. Some people did not follow the rule that we have to separate the BIO-degradable & NON BIO-degradable waste that can cause illness in us...
    WE must Love our nature, we clean our surrounding to have a good feelings...

  25. It is our responsibility to clean our surrounding...

  26. This picture shows that we should clean our surroundings and segregate our garbage properly.Because it is necessary to us. For our own good.

  27. It shows that segregation of garbage is important. Because it makes our environment clean. -Khyzzle Mae Geverola.

  28. this picture is the instrument for us to realize of what happened in our environment because as what we observed our surroundings is very polluted that's why we have to do our simple responsibility like to recycle,reduce,and re-use our garbage to help our mother earth.

  29. In that picture,it shows the message that we must take good care our surroundings and we must also throw our garbage in it's proper disposal as what 3R represents in that photo..

  30. For me based on the picture BASURA BUSH we should take good care our country we should throw our garbage properly in a proper place so that our surrounding clean and can feel flourishing feeling and we should prevent cleanliness.

  31. As what I infer the picture, it implies our environment. There are materials that can cause disasters such as flood and at the same time can cause health problems, these materials are our garbage/wastes. There are materials use to help us to clean those garbage/wastes such as brooms and shovels… and the big words “ BASURA BUSH”, mean to make actions to save ourselves and our Mother Earth. Actions start in ourselves through discipline; properly throw those wastes through segregating them from Biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes or the proper waste management and learn how to reduce, reuse and recycle materials..

  32. Basura bash!
    For me this picture illustrates that the garbage of today are thrown everywhere that cause many calamities in our community and because of this calamities many people died to prevent this we should begin to ourselves the things that needs to be change for example we should segregate the biodegradable and non-biodegradable and we should recycle the plastics we see in our surroundings.


  33. this picture shows that we must put our garbage in the proper way..and for us as a secondary education student we must clean our waste we must know where we can put the garbage properly..

  34. Basura bash!

    Basura bash!

    Basura bash!

    Evella said as a student we need to perfcrm our responsibility in cleaning our sorroundings because I observed many Educated people throw their garbage everywhere.We must put our garbage in a proper way and we must inform other to take good care our surroundings.

    Evella Guerrero

  35. Hmmmm.. about the garbage, the government should implements an ordinance about waste segregation that whoever will be caught throwing garbage anywhere will be penalize in order to discipline the people and to maintain the cleanliness of our sorroundings. We should be responsible on how to segregate wastes from biodegradable (waste that can be decompose), non-biodegradable (waste that can not be decompose) and recyclable (waste that can be use again) in order to prevent and stop the alarming problem garbages.

  36. The posted drawing expresses the unity to prevent garbage pollution in order to save our Mother Earth from a destruction due to the increase of garbage waste. Our government set a policies to educate and discipline the people to have a proper disposal of biodegradable and non bio-degradable waste which can be useful to produce a new product by means of recycling. Fortunately with our cooperation we can longer say waste is harmful but rather it is useful.

  37. BASURA BASH!!!!!!!!!!
    Basura????.We should thrown it in their proper places or segregate them well.In order to protect the Mother Earth which is our HOME.

  38. The photo posted above shows that we shoud dispose our garbage in proper waste disposal in order to maintain the cleanliness in our sorroundings. - JIOLHITO MULA

  39. we need to take care of our mother earth so that we must sure that we threw our garbage properly...because if we fear the lord we need to love what God's property...save our environment so we may able have a great treasure in the future

  40. i far as i concerned cleanliness is next to Godliness...take care and God bless us all
