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Monday, September 20, 2010

read and understand

Consider the symbols of this haiku...

Waves that crash against

the rocks that lie in the shore

coming and going.


  1. There were two different meanings of this Haiku:the denotation/literal meaning; connotation/figurative meaning.

    literal: in the ocean for example, there were rocks on the shoresand waves from it crashes or goes beyond the rocks , its a continuous cycle/no end!

    rocks - humans
    waves - conflicts/struggles
    shore - home/earth
    coming/going - forever

    the above clues will conclude that it is all about a person living on earth that has conflicts/struggles in life.

  2. Each one of us had a mistake in Life, especially in GOD that we made him sad because in our wrongdoing in everyday.But there is a biggest mistake in Life that we don't know how to make it right...
    In all my Life, in living for this world,there is so many mistake that I have done.The one that I called a biggest mistake,when I have a problems that I thought it could never be solve with my own It comes in my mind that I've surrender for being a person!!!but it is a biggest mistake especially to our GOD that he is the one who made me. I realized that in all circumstances in Life,GOD has a purpose for it.For there is God,it has a solution for it.
    To make it right, I always pray to GOD for his guidance and I follow for what is right..

  3. Base of my understanding that poem haiku of that every paragraph that can relate to our life that the life has a ended like

    wave-the trials of sorrow and pain
    coming/going-GOD come to help

    this is the figurative for the literal meaning of this poem haiku.

  4. Base of my opinion and that poem every people there's are several situation and that situation we try to overcome in our trials and always thank to GOD to accomplish that situation.


  5. In our life their are things we should try to overcome especially for those wrong moves that can destruct our life because what ever happen is our choices.We should always thank God for giving us strenght in solving our problem.That is base on what I have understood in a poem.


  6. bsse on my understanding about that peom thier are some destruct our life to overcome our problems to have a better person of any trials.and also think god always and to accomplis our situation.

    September 30.2010 5:PM

  7. I am really having some kind of fun out of figuring out the figurative meanings of these poems.

    For me the symbols that have to be given attention are: Waves which for me figuratively means, struggles, trials, circumstances, and obstacles, that we have to face, overcome and conquer because life is full of challenges. The second one is, Rocks which figuratively means us, the people who were living on the third symbol which is the shore, the uncertain world. The challenges in life will come not just ones, not just twice. Let us consider the fact that it will keep on coming and going until our breath lost.

  8. Waves-Problems
    Coming/going-the Problems are always there.


  9. a connection to my first comment, the waves are the problems that will never stop on coming and going!

  10. Waves that crash against

    The rocks that lie in the shore

    Coming and going.

    rocks-the one who have problems
    shore-His surroundings

    In this haiko,perhaps the author experienced
    problems,failures in life or making the readers
    being inspired.

    The problems comes in our lives. Like waves
    that crashed our entire life.But its up to us if what kind of rocks we are,maybe we experienced problems and we are about to be surrendered,but there is still hope,just stand up,don't being dependent to lie down in the shore.Because problems is inevitable and it would go after we encounter it.

  11. Figurative symbols:
    Waves: problems
    Rocks: experiences
    Shore: lives

    In figurative meaning, our lives have many problems that coming and going...

    Maria Luz Parba

  12. Figurative symbols:
    Waves: trails in life.
    Rocks: person
    Shore: faith in God

    In our journey in life we always face trails, but as long as we have a strong faith in God we can always surpass it. Even though it is endless.

  13. Figurative symbols:
    Every person has it's own problem but if you have faith in god you only said " kaya ko 'to".

  14. Figurative Symbols:
    Waves- Problems
    Rocks- People
    Shore- Home
    "Coming and Going"

    Figurative Meaning:
    For me the figurative meaning of this haiku is all about our experiences...
    WAVES which means problems: Every people has a lot of problems whoever you are, even you are a rich or a poor. And the problems are always there coming and going in our lives, but if we have faith in God, we are very strong to face all the problems, trials, circumstances that we are encountered. And instead of saying "God i have a big problem" you must rather say "Problem? i have a big God"


  15. Figurative meaning:

    Wave- luck
    Rocks- human
    Shore- opportunities

    For me this poem symbolizes "luck" it means, sometimes life could be lucky there are good things come into our lives that we don't expect and its surprise us, but sometimes luck is hard to find it may come and go. So if we want that "luck" come into our lives, just pray and have faith in God.


  16. Waves- means life that full of trials and experiences
    Life- means a person
    Coming and going- means always/forever

    Every person have a different life story,and for that story there was always a problem or trials that come unto us but there is still hope because God is always there to carry our burden.

  17. Waves refers to a problem, sufferings that may come in one's life. The rocks refers to a person that shows stability and survival. It is important to remain survive and stable, whatever waves that may come in LIFE. :D

  18. us wave it refers the experiences of people either bad or happy ,rocks it refers to a person and shore it is a prayer because people or who has do a experience in life either it is bad or happy we should thanks to the lord because lord give to us gift of life and pray always to our GOD to help everyday.

  19. waves-problems

    As a summary,I consider waves as problems that comes into our lives that we bare into our minds but that problems will just pass when we resolve it.

  20. Waves-sufferings

    --Waves are sufferings that a person may encounter in his/her life.But despite of that problems he/she will stay strong and shows stability.

    ^Cristina Janoyan

  21. Symbols:

    *rocks-we humans
    *waves-challenges to pass
    *crash-weaken us
    *shore-where we live
    *coming and going-challenges comes inn and out

    Things that is in this world have their own challenges to pass even plants and animals.

    Humans have their challenges in their lives in order for us to be more stronger and to have a strong faith in GOD.

  22. waves-boy, crash-proposal, rocks-girl, lie-decission, shore-engagement, maybe,there is a boy ,who have make proposal to the girl,after the decission to have their engagement is coming and going

  23. It was all about problems and trials in lives....that whatever it is we are needed to accept it and fight,, not only for our selves but also for the others who cares for us,,,

    Leonilyn pantoyal

  24. its not the things that can be bought that are life's richest treasures, its just the little "hearts gifts" that money cannot mes sure a cheerful smile, a friendly word,a sympathetic nod are prince less little treasures from the storehouse of our god...
    they are the priceless things in life for witch no one can pay....
    and the giver finds rich recompense in giving them away...
